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Email @studenti 

The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has activated a free email service for all regularly enrolled students since mid-March 2001 to facilitate communication between students and professors. Since June 2009, based on an agreement between the University and Google, the service is based on the Google Suite for Education.

For more information, please consult 

Online Student Office services (ESSE3) 

For online student services such as pre-enrollment or consultation of one’s administrative status, the ESSE3 system is available. It allows also exam booking and many other functions. 

For more information, please consult the ESSE3 Helpdesk.

Recording with Digital Signature

As part of the digitization of documents and computerization of administrative procedures (art. 48 law decree n. 5 of 9/2/2012), the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has activated the digital signature procedure for exam records and is completing the issuance process of a remote digital signature certificate to all university professors.

Exam recording through the digital signature allows the immediate grade registration in the student's career. For more information, please consult 

Computer Labs

In many UNIMORE departments and libraries, computer labs and workstations can be used for study purposes. For instructions, please contact the structures of interest.

Campus Software Licenses

For study and research purposes, the university has signed contracts for the use of specialized software for its students and teaching, research, and staff members.

Campus MATLAB License



Wireless Access (WIreless FIdelity) to the University Network

In many university and communal areas, it is possible to connect in Wi-Fi mode to the university network using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. To access the connection, Unimore credentials are required.

Access credentials

  • StudentsStudents who are regularly enrolled at Unimore can connect to the Wi-Fi network using their personal credentials, which are the same ones used to access the Esse3 website.
  • Teaching and Technical-Administrative Staff: Teaching and technical-administrative staff can use the same credentials of their email and other restricted-access services.
  • Guests: Professors from other Italian universities participating in the EDUROAM network can use their university credentials.


Go to the Wi-Fi network settings of your device, select UNIMORE (students and staff) or EDUROAM (guests). The configuration depends on the model of your device. After selecting the UNIMORE network, a form for entering the credentials will be displayed.

More Information

For more information, consult the details provided by SIRS - Network and Systems IT Services. » UNIMORE Wi-Fi Access


The IT services are managed by:

SI-RS - Network and Systems IT Services
SI-A - IT Application Services