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Degree Programme

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3 years






"Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering

The Degree Course in brief

The civil and environmental engineer is a technician capable of contributing actively to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of works that are necessary for the progress of society and sustainable for the environment. He/she can operate in various fields, contributing to the design, production, management and organisation, assistance to technical and commercial structures, impact assessments and risk analysis, and safety management in prevention and emergency phases, both in the liberal professions and in companies carrying out works or services and in public administrations. It is responsible for residential and industrial buildings, bridges and viaducts, dams, port and maritime works, aqueducts, roads, railways and airports, waste management and treatment systems, sewage treatment plants, assessment of environmental impacts, hydrogeological soil protection, treatment of pollutants, recycling of materials, energy management and production. These professional skills have a strong interaction with the local context and make this degree, today as in the past, immediately spendable in the world of work.

The degree programme is divided into 2 different curricula, Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering. The curriculum is chosen in the first year. The two curricula share basic science and engineering disciplines such as mathematical analysis, physics, geometry, chemistry, rational mechanics, technical physics, hydraulics and hydraulic construction, construction science, applied geology and geotechnics. The Environmental Engineering curriculum enhances the chemistry of the environment and offers courses in sanitary-environmental engineering (study of pollution phenomena and plant aspects, water purification, waste management and treatment), materials recovery and energy systems, environmental impact, and facility design for environmental engineering. The Civil Engineering curriculum includes courses in statics and design, construction technology with laboratory for earthquake-resistant structural design, dynamics of structures, computational mechanics, and chemistry applied to building materials. In both curricula one can do an internship in companies, public or private institutions or at the university and both offer optional courses in technical legislation and economics.

By virtue of the skills and technical knowledge acquired in the design, implementation and management of civil and environmental works, the civil and environmental engineer is offered numerous interesting job opportunities. Graduates in the area of civil engineering find employment in construction and maintenance companies for civil works, in professional firms and civil works design companies, in public and private design, planning, management and control offices for urban and territorial systems, in companies, bodies, consortia and agencies for the management and control of systems of works and services, in service companies for urban and territorial infrastructure feasibility studies. Graduates in the area of environmental engineering find employment in companies, public and private organisations, and professional firms for the design, planning, implementation and management of works, distribution networks and control and monitoring systems for the environment and territory, soil protection, water purification, waste management, raw materials and environmental and energy resources, and for the assessment of the impacts and environmental compatibility of plants, infrastructures, urban plans and civil works. It designs quality and safety management systems in the workplace and follows environmental certification procedures.

For the Civil curriculum: certain training activities may be envisaged that are carried out as a service at the Modena Military Academy, on the basis of a specific agreement between the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the Ministry of Defence, and are therefore reserved for Italian Army students and not available to other students.


Department: "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering
Degree class: L-7 - Civil and environmental engineering
CFU: 180
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan


Study plan

Year of study: 1
    9 CFU - 101 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
    9 CFU - 101 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    3 CFU - 0 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
    9 CFU - 81 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
II anno a scelta AMB (between 1 and 99 CFU)
Year of study: 3
Year of study: 1
    9 CFU - 101 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
    9 CFU - 101 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    9 CFU - 101 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    3 CFU - 0 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
    9 CFU - 81 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
II anno a scelta CIV (between 1 and 99 CFU)
Year of study: 3
Year of study: 1
    9 CFU - 101 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
    9 CFU - 101 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    9 CFU - 101 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
    3 CFU - 0 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 2
    9 CFU - 81 hours - Second Half-Year Cycle
Year of study: 3

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

To be eligible for enrollment in this degree program applicants must possess a high school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad that is recognized as equivalent and valid, as per applicable laws. Access to this program requires a good knowledge of written and spoken Italian, logical reasoning skills, the knowledge and ability to apply the main results of basic mathematics and foundations in experimental sciences. How required knowledge for access to the program will be assessed, as well as how additional learning requirements (known as OFAs) are dealt with, is described in detail in the Academic Regulations for this degree program.

Admission procedures

More specifically, the knowledge required for the access is verified by means of the On Line Cisia Test (TOLC).
Those students who have not taken the test or who have not passed it are assigned specific additional credit obligations (OFA) to be complied with within the first year of study by taking specific Compensation Tests for OFAs, organised during the entire university year. (Link: --> Futuro Studente --> OFA).

Non-European students who live abroad, except for those clearly indicated as exempt in the access regulations of foreign students to university courses provided for by the MIUR (Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research), must also pass a test assessing their knowledge of the Italian language before enrolling.

Skills associated with the function

Self-employed professional environmental engineer
Environmental healthcare engineering and civil engineering.

Self-employed professional civil engineer
Civil Engineering.

Civil and environmental engineer
Environmental engineering and civil engineering.

Civil and environmental engineer, contact person for safety and quality
Civil engineering and environmental engineering, safety.

Civil and environmental engineer
Civil and environmental engineering, materials engineering.

Function in a work context

Self-employed professional environmental engineer
Designer of works of limited complexity or collaborator in the design, planning and implementation of works and interventions, as well as in technical-practical implementation and works supervision, management and organisation of works and installations for which an assessment of environmental sustainability is required.

Self-employed professional civil engineer
Designer of works of limited complexity or collaborator in the design, planning and implementation of works and interventions, as well as in the technical-practical implementation and works supervision, the testing, management and organisation of civil engineering works, the construction and maintenance of civil and industrial buildings.

Civil and environmental engineer
Control and monitoring of the environment and the territory, soil protection, assessment of the environmental compatibility of projects and works, urban and territorial planning, in the impact studies of industrial settlements.

Civil and environmental engineer, contact person for safety and quality
Contact person for safety and quality of the working environment and construction sites, waste disposal and energy transformation processes.

Civil and environmental engineer
Collaboration in the design of plants, energy distribution and management, waste management, treatment and disposal, design of materials and their recycling, and in the study of methodologies and construction procedures.

Employment and professional opportunities for graduates.

Self-employed professional environmental engineer
Engineering company and professional studies

Self-employed professional civil engineer
Engineering company and professional studies

Civil and environmental engineer
Public administration, bodies responsible for the protection of the territory.

Civil and environmental engineer, contact person for safety and quality

Civil and environmental engineer
Construction companies, service companies, disposal companies, industries for the supply, distribution and energy management.

Educational goals

Introduction to learning areas relating to professional destinations

The Degree Programme is mainly aimed at providing graduates with an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents, which are useful to complete their own professional development through subsequent training programmes, and to continuously keep up-to-date and adapt to the fast technological evolution typical of Civil and Environmental Engineering, as well as of the production sectors it applies to.
In relation to the professional profiles identified in A2.a, the degree programme is divided into three distinct learning areas, which are summarised as follows:
- Basic science and engineering training area
This area aims to provide a solid background in mathematics and other basic sciences, which are the essential tool for interpreting, describing and solving the issues of civil and environmental engineering and, in addition, it intends to provide a sound basic engineering training, necessary to design a non-complex work of engineering, as well as to manage interventions to safeguard the territory and interpret projects with knowledge of works, also with a view to assessing its impact on the environment.
This area also aims to provide the appropriate complements of industrial engineering: thermodynamics, heat transmission, materials science and technology; the contents of the main technical standards and the foundations of law; the knowledge of the most common analysis and detection tools, including cartographic, with data processing and representation of experimental results.
- Environmental Engineering Area
This area aims to provide a broad-spectrum training in the distinctive disciplines of environmental engineering and the territory, to identify environmental issues and the processes causing them and envisage appropriate interventions using up-to-date technologies. Students are provided with the tools to understand: the phenomena of pollution, the problems of hydrogeological instability, the main techniques of waste water purification, waste management systems and the territorial relevance of these issues.
- Civil Engineering Area
This area aims to provide a broad-spectrum preparation in the disciplines of civil engineering, aimed at offering the basic knowledge and skills required for the design, construction, testing and maintenance of structural works and infrastructure.

Degree programme structure

The first two years include the basic scientific teachings (mathematical analysis, geometry, physics, chemistry, information technology and rational mechanics), technical physics (first semester, second year) and the distinctive courses for basic engineering training (hydraulics and hydraulic constructions, construction science, applied geology, geotechnics, geomatics). A chemistry module with laboratory activity focuses on the environment, whereas the civil module enhances drawing. The teachings provided in the first two years mainly fall within the learning area: Basic sciences and engineering training.
From the second semester of the second year and in the third in particular, the two types of curricula differentiate with disciplines that fall within the two learning areas in Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering. Legal, economic, management and ethical aspects are dealt with in various teachings. In these last two learning areas, students may directly learn some potential areas of work by carrying out training internships in companies or public or private bodies, or in university departments on applied research projects.
The other training activities set forth by M.D. 270 complete the programme; optional activities are mainly part of the third year.

Changes in the study programmes based on the curricula available to students

The Degree Programme offers student two distinct training courses that culturally vary based on the two job-oriented learning areas (Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering) and that coincide with the two curricula: Environmental Engineering curriculum and Civil Engineering curriculum. The two curricula substantially differ starting from the second semester of the second year.

Communication skills.

Graduates acquire the ability to effectively describe, in written and oral form, the activities carried out and to communicate the results obtained with completeness of information and full comprehensibility, both within an organisation or a working group or with external stakeholders, of different cultural training or lower level of education, involved in work processes and in the context of public decision-making.
Graduates shall be able to draw up and interpret reports and internal technical standards relevant to their field; during the training programme, they have acquired the knowledge of the relevant aspects of the responsibilities of the engineering practice and the terminology to express themselves accordingly.
Graduates gain the ability to write and speak in English efficiently, at B1 level.
The exams, both in oral form and, for some teachings, through papers and reports, documents in numerical form and graphic content, carried out individually or with group work, contribute to the acquisition of the communicative skills. These activities and the final test are assessed to verify the student’s acquisition of communication skills.

Making judgements.

Graduates acquire the ability to independently identify and solve standard problems, of medium difficulty, using in an appropriate way and critically methods, techniques, tools and management systems proper to the area of training. Graduates know how to process and interpret data useful to formulate autonomous and technically consistent judgments; they know how to integrate information with other elements extracted from fields of study related or interacting with their own. They are aware of the need to keep up-to-date.
Graduates acquire the ability to independently evaluate and compare the engineering solutions of a problem of limited complexity, and their environmental impacts in the social context.
The independence of judgment is achieved mainly by the activities in the distinctive disciplines, with the presentation of the methodologies of approach to important issues of the field and the critical analysis of the possible solutions. Laboratory activities contribute to enhance the independence of judgment, by comparing different analytical methodologies, the knowledge of technical regulations provided by different teachings, the use of simple computational models, the participation in group project activities, the carrying out of internships, the preparation of the final test.
The acquisition of this skill is verified during the oral exams and in the evaluation of the written tests, when envisaged, and in the final test.

Learning skills.

Graduates, who have gained excellent knowledge and methodology for exploring the disciplines of the degree programme, develop the learning skills they need to pursue their studies independently both in the context of subsequent training programmes and in the continuous updating of their professional skills, when they enter the world of work.
Learning skills can be enhanced through the tutoring activity, with training activities carried out in part individually (essays), for the preparation of the final test. These skills are verified through the assessment of the papers drawn up by the students, the exams, and the final exam.

Knowledge and understanding.

Environmental Engineering Area
- knowledge and understanding of the theoretical aspects and mastery of the methodological and operational aspects of the following distinctive disciplines of environmental and land engineering: applied and geotechnical geology, health and environmental engineering, hydrology, energy systems, with a level of preparation characterised by the use of sector textbooks and manuals and by updating on the main emerging topics;
- knowledge and understanding of the most important applications of environmental engineering that represent the main employment opportunity on the territory and characterise the activities of environmental protection agencies and service companies, the implementation of public and private interventions and works, the work of industries.

Basic Science and Engineering Training Area
- Knowledge and understanding of the methodological and operational aspects of mathematics, chemistry, physics, and the other basic sciences of engineering;
- knowledge and ability to understand the theoretical and application aspects of the following distinctive disciplines of the class: science and technical elements of construction, hydraulics and hydraulic constructions, geotechnics, geomatics, drawing;
- knowledge and understanding of methodological and operational aspects of industrial engineering disciplines such as technical physics, materials science and technology;
- knowledge and understanding of the regulatory and administrative, social and ethical contexts of the engineer’s profession;

Civil Engineering Area
- knowledge and understanding of the methodological and operational aspects of the following distinctive disciplines for civil engineering: science and engineering of construction, structural dynamics, technical architecture, construction production, hydraulic construction and the possession of a level of knowledge that also includes some topics and advanced aspects in these disciplines;
- knowledge and understanding of the mechanics of solids and of the structures useful in the realisation of structures and infrastructures of greater importance for the employment opportunities of the territory, and activities relating to the construction sector and the implementation of civil works relevant to the territory.

Applying knowledge and understanding.

Environmental Engineering Area
- appropriate skills for devising and supporting arguments and for solving both broad-based problems in the field of civil and environmental engineering and, more specifically, in the field of environmental engineering alone, in which they are able to identify, formulate and solve problems using up-to-date methods, techniques and tools.

Basic Science and Engineering Training Area
- ability to apply their knowledge and understanding of basic sciences and to use the tools provided by engineering training, including in the field of industrial engineering, to interpret and describe civil and environmental engineering issues;
- ability to apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to solving issues of limited complexity in interdisciplinary contexts related to their field of study;
- ability to apply the content and skills acquired with mastery, demonstrating a professional approach to their work.

Civil Engineering Area
- appropriate skills for devising and supporting arguments and for solving problems, both in general in the construction sector and, in more detail, in the field of structures and infrastructures, in which they are able to identify, formulate and solve problems using up-to-date methods, techniques and tools.