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Degree Programme

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3 years






Department of Studies on Language and Culture


Department: Department of Studies on Language and Culture
Degree class: L-12 - Applied languages
CFU: 180
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan


Study plan

Year of study: 1
    12 CFU - 60 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
obblighi formativi
1 anno - opzione Lingua 2
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
1 anno -opzione Letterature
Year of study: 2
2 anno - opzione Lingua 2
2 anno - opzione Letteratura/Terza lingua
Year of study: 3
3 anno opzione Lingua 2
Livello C1 competenza linguistica
Livello B2 II Lingua
esami a scelta per Lingua (between 1 and 999 CFU)
esami a scelta tra Diritto, Economia, Sociologia (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Terza lingua seconda annualità (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Ulteriori competenze linguistiche (3 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Nota 1: In questo raggruppamento devi scegliere almeno 12 crediti tra le attività didattiche offerte dai Corsi di Studio dell'Ateneo.
Se sei indeciso sulla tua scelta, puoi inserire più insegnamenti (fino ad un massimo di 30 crediti). Resta fermo che i crediti minimi obbligatori sono 12 e, soddisfatti questi, non sei tenuto a sostenere tutti i crediti inseriti in questo raggruppamento.
Per primi ti sono mostrati gli insegnamenti opzionali offerti dal percorso di studio che hai scelto. Se tra questi non ci sono attività didattiche che vuoi inserire nel piano, clicca "Salta la scelta".

Nota 2: L'Ulteriore competenza linguistica C2 può essere riconosciuta:
a) con certificazione linguistica internazionale;
b) con prova di competenza linguistica (LCL) organizzata dal Centro Linguistico di Ateneo. L'ammissione alla prova è subordinata al parere positivo del Lettore. Attualmente sono previsti solo C2 di Inglese.
Insegnamenti offerti dal corso di laurea (between 1 and 999 CFU)
12 CFU a scelta (between 1 and 99 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
In questo raggruppamento devi scegliere almeno 12 crediti tra le attività didattiche offerte dai Corsi di Studio dell'Ateneo.
Se sei indeciso sulla tua scelta, puoi inserire più insegnamenti (fino ad un massimo di 30 crediti). Resta fermo che i crediti minimi obbligatori sono 12 e, soddisfatti questi, non sei tenuto a sostenere tutti i crediti inseriti in questo raggruppamento.
Altre (between 4 and 6 CFU)
Year of study: 1
    12 CFU - 60 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
obblighi formativi
1 anno - opzione Lingua 2
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
1 anno -opzione Letterature
Year of study: 2
2 anno - opzione Lingua 2
2 anno - opzione Letteratura/Terza lingua
2 anno opzione I percorso linguistico-culturale
2 anno opzione II percorso linguistico-culturale
Year of study: 3
3 anno opzione Lingua 2
Livello C1 competenza linguistica
Livello B2 II Lingua
esami a scelta per lingua (between 1 and 999 CFU)
esami a scelta vari (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Terza lingua seconda annualità (between 1 and 999 CFU)
esami Letteratura (between 1 and 999 CFU)
Ulteriori competenze linguistiche (3 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Nota 1: In questo raggruppamento devi scegliere almeno 12 crediti tra le attività didattiche offerte dai Corsi di Studio dell'Ateneo.
Se sei indeciso sulla tua scelta, puoi inserire più insegnamenti (fino ad un massimo di 30 crediti). Resta fermo che i crediti minimi obbligatori sono 12 e, soddisfatti questi, non sei tenuto a sostenere tutti i crediti inseriti in questo raggruppamento.
Per primi ti sono mostrati gli insegnamenti opzionali offerti dal percorso di studio che hai scelto. Se tra questi non ci sono attività didattiche che vuoi inserire nel piano, clicca "Salta la scelta".

Nota 2: L'Ulteriore competenza linguistica C2 può essere riconosciuta:
a) con certificazione linguistica internazionale;
b) con prova di competenza linguistica (LCL) organizzata dal Centro Linguistico di Ateneo. L'ammissione alla prova è subordinata al parere positivo del Lettore. Attualmente sono previsti solo C2 di Inglese.
Insegnamenti offerti dal corso di laurea (between 1 and 999 CFU)
12 CFU a scelta (between 1 and 99 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
In questo raggruppamento devi scegliere almeno 12 crediti tra le attività didattiche offerte dai Corsi di Studio dell'Ateneo.
Se sei indeciso sulla tua scelta, puoi inserire più insegnamenti (fino ad un massimo di 30 crediti). Resta fermo che i crediti minimi obbligatori sono 12 e, soddisfatti questi, non sei tenuto a sostenere tutti i crediti inseriti in questo raggruppamento.
Altre (between 4 and 6 CFU)
Year of study: 1
    12 CFU - 60 hours - First Half-Year Cycle
obblighi formativi
1 anno - opzione Lingua 2
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
    12 CFU - 60 hours - Single Annual Cycle
1 anno -opzione Letterature
Year of study: 2
2 anno - opzione Lingua 2
2 anno - opzione Letteratura/Terza lingua
Year of study: 3
3 anno opzione Lingua 2
Livello C1 competenza linguistica
Livello B2 II Lingua
Ulteriori competenze linguistiche (3 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Nota 1: In questo raggruppamento devi scegliere almeno 12 crediti tra le attività didattiche offerte dai Corsi di Studio dell'Ateneo.
Se sei indeciso sulla tua scelta, puoi inserire più insegnamenti (fino ad un massimo di 30 crediti). Resta fermo che i crediti minimi obbligatori sono 12 e, soddisfatti questi, non sei tenuto a sostenere tutti i crediti inseriti in questo raggruppamento.
Per primi ti sono mostrati gli insegnamenti opzionali offerti dal percorso di studio che hai scelto. Se tra questi non ci sono attività didattiche che vuoi inserire nel piano, clicca "Salta la scelta".

Nota 2: L'Ulteriore competenza linguistica C2 può essere riconosciuta:
a) con certificazione linguistica internazionale;
b) con prova di competenza linguistica (LCL) organizzata dal Centro Linguistico di Ateneo. L'ammissione alla prova è subordinata al parere positivo del Lettore. Attualmente sono previsti solo C2 di Inglese.
Insegnamenti offerti dal corso di laurea (between 1 and 999 CFU)
12 CFU a scelta (between 1 and 99 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
In questo raggruppamento devi scegliere almeno 12 crediti tra le attività didattiche offerte dai Corsi di Studio dell'Ateneo.
Se sei indeciso sulla tua scelta, puoi inserire più insegnamenti (fino ad un massimo di 30 crediti). Resta fermo che i crediti minimi obbligatori sono 12 e, soddisfatti questi, non sei tenuto a sostenere tutti i crediti inseriti in questo raggruppamento.
Altre (between 4 and 6 CFU)

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

Access to the Degree Programme in Languages and European Cultures requires a high-school diploma issued by Italian school institutions (or other school qualification obtained abroad and officially approved pursuant to the circular of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, file no. 602 of 18th May 2011) and passing an entry test.
The expected entry level, subject to an initial assessment, is B1 for the first language and A2 for the second language (Standard European Common Frame for language knowledge). Should the above levels not be reached, Additional Credit Obligations (OFA) shall be assigned and integrating educational activities shall be provided for with subsequent assessment.

Skills associated with the function

Linguistic mediator
In order to perform the tasks described above that are typical of a linguistic mediator, graduates will acquire:
- solid communication skills in two foreign languages and a deep knowledge of their mother tongue (drafting and drawing up of complex texts), sided by a confident ability to develop a critical thinking on the language (Italian and foreign) and on building up textuality;
- intercultural skills useful to adapt the communication to the various contexts;
- theoretical and practical skills required and needed to independently deepen the knowledge of the languages studied and to specialise in micro-languages required by the sector in which they operate;
- solid fundamentals for continuing the training programme aimed at achieving teaching skills.

Graduates of this Degree Programme are able to:
- apply their language, metalinguistic and cultural skills to the fields of international law and economics, in particular to technical and literary translations and to dialogic mediation;
- process and interpret written texts and oral speeches relating to ordinary and specialist communication.
More specifically, graduates will be able to make autonomous language choices when translating and drafting texts in Italian and the foreign language, through the textual analysis and that of semiotic and historical/cultural context, and according to the various types of texts. They will also be able to implement the most suitable translation strategies, written and oral, to apply to the different contexts and use the most appropriate linguistic and terminology research tools depending on the situations. Graduates will have adequate cross-functional skills in terms of communication and relationships, organisation and management, and planning, based on the level of autonomy and responsibility assigned, with organisational and working modes adopted and with the main counterparties (colleagues, other professionals and clients/users). These skills are completed with specific knowledge in the economic and legal, and humanities fields.

Function in a work context

Linguistic mediator
The Degree Programme in Languages and European Cultures prepares students to the traditional tasks of the linguistic mediator. It is a professional figure able to facilitate a proficient and effective interlinguistic and intercultural communication; s/he deals with linguistic mediation, translation and drawing up of texts from/to the foreign language and Italian in a national and/or international environment. More specifically:
- provides for the management of international relations of public or private entities;
- helps promote company products at an international level;
- helps manage language services (translation/interpretation/text drafting);
- manages the multilingual communication when promoting and organising events;
- facilitates the communication among the various offices of an organisation and between the latter and the different counterparties;
- manages the external and internal communication of an organisation;
- is in charge of reception tasks in the touristic field;
- searches, analyses and manages the multilingual documentation in businesses and public and private entities.
The linguistic mediator can work as a self-employed professional or employee in public or private entities, manufacturing or service companies, or language and communication service providers, with a medium level of autonomy.

Educational goals


The Degree Programme in Languages and European Cultures is aimed at integrating the study of languages and European cultures with skills in the legal and economic or literary and cultural fields. In particular, it is intended to provide students with proper knowledge and communication skills in at least two foreign languages, as well as to teach them the communication, interlanguage and intercultural skills required for oral and written linguistic mediation professions, and communication management in multilingual fields, institutions, businesses and international organisations. Classes of foreign languages, cultures and literatures are given in the relevant native language.
The Degree Programme is divided into different learning areas: foreign languages, foreign literatures, Italian language and literature, historical and sociological area, legal and economic area.
Graduates of this Programme have an advanced knowledge (C1) of at least one of the foreign languages they have studied. They know the language and text functions, as well as aspects of the conversational genres in Italian and foreign languages. They know and are able to understand the cultures and countries based on the study of literatures (Italian and foreign), legal systems, economic organisations and social aspects.


The training programme includes the study of two foreign languages of the curriculum and focuses on translation and communication skills, as well as literature and cultural features of the relevant countries. It also includes the study of Italian literature as a benchmark, and of Linguistics to achieve a good knowledge of the theoretical functioning of linguistic phenomena. Economic, legal, historical and sociologic knowledge complete the students’ training.
The central core of the Degree Programme includes Language and Translation classes offered throughout the three years in the form of direct learning and considerations on foreign languages and cultures, together with practical assignments relating to the use of foreign languages, organised as lectureships in small groups. This practical assignment component is carried out as laboratory activity. Small group lectureships provide students with different paths based on the entry skills.

During the first year, basic knowledge of foreign languages and the tools for the analysis of the different linguistic analysis levels are consolidated; during the second year, students start studying textuality and the relation among the language, the culture and the institutions of foreign language countries; during the third year they explore linguistic and cultural contents to apply them to translation and mediation activities. In addition to Languages and Translations, the disciplines that are considered fundamental to the first year focus on metalinguistic considerations on one side (General and Applied Linguistics and Italian linguistic), and on historic and literary considerations on the other (Theory and History of Italian Literature, History of Contemporary Literature).

On the second year, the teachings of Languages, Cultures and Institutions of the foreign language countries are accompanied by the study of a foreign literature or a third language, even not European. During the second year, students are also offered to explore their considerations on linguistic, social and communication structures. Students may also choose between two suggested programmes, which continue on the third year: economic and legal programme, and language and cultural programme; the latter includes further studies in foreign literatures and the history of cinema.

On the third year, besides linguistic classes focusing on translation, students are offered in-depth studies corresponding to the programme chosen, dealing with economic and legal science with an international or comparative focus, or with the language and cultural field (study of a third foreign language, in-depth studies of literary, cultural and sociological nature). The programme also includes the opportunity to take on a job-oriented internship programme. This programme is directly connected with training needs from the job market, with which the Department in general and this Degree Programme more specifically has been collaborating for a long time.

Communication skills

Graduates shall be able to properly convey information, ideas, problems and solutions relating to language and communication aspects and usage, both to expert and non-expert counterparties. Therefore, they shall demonstrate to actively and passively master multiple ranges of speech and therefore be able to properly manage the communication both in specialist and non-specialist contexts. They shall prove to have the tools and abilities to apply their language, cultural, legal, and social and economical knowledge when communicating with specialists and non-specialists of the field.
Communication skills are achieved through traditional and interactive educational methods, as well as individual and group practical assignments; a written paper drawn up individually by the student and then discussed in translation laboratories with the mentorship of a professor will also be assessed. The above-mentioned communication skills are also achieved by passing a final test. The test assessment shall also determine the level of the communication skill acquired.

Making Judgements

Graduates shall be able to collect and interpret written texts and oral speeches relating to language uses and conversations on both ordinary and expert communication subjects, and shall discuss and interpret them also by placing social, ethical and institutional aspects into context, together with purely language aspects.
The independent judgement is achieved by using diverse educational tools (hard copy, interactive, multimedia tools) and implementing an educational path that urges the comparison and contrast among different cultural and language texts and contexts, as well as the ability to critically interpret and read texts, contexts and communication situations. The independent judgment ability is also verified through the assessment of the level of autonomy demonstrated in carrying out the activities required for the preparation of the final test.

Learning skills

Graduates will be guided through the acquisition of study and learning skills by means of considerations that are encouraged during classes. By attending the classes, students will be provided with the tools to re-process knowledge independently. Mainly relating to foreign languages, students will be offered the tools required for constant learning (also digital and multimedia tools). In particular, the final test will verify the independent learning skills. Graduates shall be able to: a. learn, check and verify pieces of information, ideas, problems and solutions in multilingual environments; b. develop a critical awareness related to the concepts and methods of the subjects studied.