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PhD Programme

Access mode



3 years






"Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering
PhD Coordinator

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

Italian second cycle master's degree (“Laurea Magistrale”, under D.M. 270/04 or “Laurea Specialistica”, under D.M. 509/99) or Italian degree obtained prior to D.M. 509/99 (the previous Italian regulations) or Second cycle Master's degree obtained abroad, equivalent to the above-mentioned Italian degrees and recognized as suitable for the admission to doctoral program.
Further information available in the Call.

Educational goals

The objectives of the Course are functional:

1) to train theoretical/modeling, technological and design skills aimed at the conception, design, management of works, development, verification, testing, management and disposal of construction works and for the defense of the soil, structures and infrastructures and, in general, civil systems and plants and for the environment and the territory, in accordance with current regulatory requirements and through the Moderna and interoperable tools (BIM, CAD, FEM).

2) the development of theories and innovative methods for the study and modeling of pollution phenomena and the dynamics of pollutants in the environment and in the atmosphere, the analysis of environmental impact and health risk, eco-toxicological and major accident, the design, management and verification of treatment and recovery plants of water, wastewater and sludge.

3) to the design, synthesis/production, characterization and scaling-up of new materials in applications belonging to multiple sectors (mechanical, ceramic, biomedical, aerospace, renewable energies, etc...).

It is important to underline the unity of the Doctoral proposal, in which the different paths are integrated, in a complementary way, in an interdisciplinary and interconnected path of innovation always inherent in sustainability..

The internal integration and unity of the proposal is based on previous collaborations between the members of the College belonging to different sectors, and is strengthened and consolidated over time thanks to a conscious proposal of an integrated and homogeneous Training Project for all profiles. In particular, the training activities are developed in the laboratories of the University, and are completed through research periods at European/international research centers. An important role will be played by interaction with the corporate world, which will bring important managerial, technological and regulatory skills.

The unity of the proposal is developed through transversal and multidisciplinary issues such as Life C Ass Cle Assessment (LCA), end-of-life management, reclamation/rehabilitation (“remediation”) and the treatment of waste from the production process.

From the methodological and pedagogical point of view, the results achieved by the doctoral students are codified on the basis of the Dublin descriptors, for the third level training cycle, with particular reference to: mastery of the research method, skills acquired in the design and implementation of the research process, originality and level of innovation of the research carried out, ability in critical analysis and complex evaluations, communication skills of the level necessary to share scientific results with the scientific community of the sector, ability to promote research results in academic and professional contexts. In addition, the selection of candidates will pursue gender balance, respect for minorities and the protection of vulnerable groups, through the preparation of a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) in harmony with the University and European directives (Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025)