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PhD Programme

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3 years






Department of Life Sciences
PhD Coordinator

PhD Course website

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

Specific degrees indicated in the Call of Admission.

Educational goals

The objectives of the PhD programme in Health Innovative Products and Technologies (HIP-TECH) include:

1. To promote the design of innovative products and technologies for human and animal health.
2. To prepare doctoral students to conduct interdisciplinary research in the areas of health products, pharmaceutical development and medical and surgical technologies.
3. To develop skills from design to pharmaceutical synthesis and analysis, including aspects of both synthetic and biotechnological drug delivery.
4. Evaluate the efficacy of developed systems through in vitro and in vivo approaches.
5. Provide expertise in industrial and regulatory transfer.
6. Deepen the understanding of clinical transfer and preclinical phase, with a focus on diseases of health relevance.
7. To develop and test innovative diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.
8. Explore the application of artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical and health sectors, with the aim of improving existing practices and therapies.
9. Expand international collaboration through partnerships with institutions in order to enrich the doctoral experience through the continued participation of doctoral students at international locations.