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Master Degree Course

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2 years






Department of Studies on Language and Culture

The Degree Course in brief

The Master's degree course in “Languages for communication in international enterprises and organizations” prepares versatile professionals to have an excellent command of at least two European foreign languages and a good basic knowledge in the fields of law and economics. As a result, they are able to skillfully manage oral and written communication with interlocutors of different languages and cultures, in the context of companies, public administrations and international organisations.
All subjects are taught in English, with the exception of ‘Strategie linguistiche e strumenti digitali per la comunicazione istituzionale’, which is taught in Italian as it focuses on Italian for institutional communication, and foreign languages which are taught in the specific language of the course.

The course, which is innovative in its kind, enables students to acquire advanced language skills, specialised knowledge in the fields of law and economics and basic computer skills to develop competences useful for managing digital communication. Two languages (a choice of English, French, Spanish or German) will be studied over the two years of the course, with an option for a third language, either Russian or Chinese, which may be studied in the second year. The legal-economic area includes not only comparative private law and international law, but also business and economic subjects. Moreover, students enrolled in the MA may take advantage of Erasmus exchanges as well as scholarships, which are the result of agreements with leading universities in countries outside the European Union.

Students acquire practical skills through lectures and talks by external experts, workshops and discussion groups for translation and mediation between different foreign languages, as well as training, curricular internships and the possibility of study periods abroad. In this way, they will be able to enter the world of work, bringing added value, and meeting the needs of companies, which increasingly require multilingual professionals who have basic skills in business and legal communication, and are aware of the implications of cultural differences.
The current course structure is the result of a process of updating and revision of the Master's degree course in ‘Comunicazione nell'impresa e nelle organizzazioni internazionali’, which was founded in 2002.


Department: Department of Studies on Language and Culture
Degree class: LM-38 - Modern languages for communication and international cooperation
CFU: 120
Didactic method: PRESENCE

Study plan


Study plan

Year of study: 1
1 anno lingua 1
Maggiori informazioni
Una prima lingua di studio a scelta tra quelle indicate
1 anno lingua 2
Maggiori informazioni
Una seconda lingua di studio a scelta tra quelle indicate
Certificazione C1 e C2
Maggiori informazioni
C1 seconda lingua; C2 prima lingua - Da conseguire nel secondo anno di corso (sono esonerati coloro che possiedono una certificazione internazionale di pari livello tra quelle riconosciute dal Centro Linguistico di Ateneo).
1 anno opzione 1
Maggiori informazioni
Un insegnamento da scegliere in opzione tra i tre indicati
1 anno opzione 2
Maggiori informazioni
Due insegnamenti da scegliere in opzione tra i tre indicati
Corso lingua italiana per stranieri
Maggiori informazioni
Corso a scelta per gli studenti internazionali.
Ulteriori competenze linguistiche (3 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Le ulteriori competenze linguistiche C2 nella seconda lingua di studio possono coprire sia crediti a scelta (credits for elective courses) sia la sezione Altre attività (other activities).
Insegnamenti del corso di studio (between 1 and 99 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Gli insegnamenti indicati rientrano negli esami a scelta offerti dal corso di laurea LACOM e possono essere sostenuti a partire dal primo anno.
1 anno a scelta dello studente (between 1 and 99 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
I crediti a scelta possono essere coperti da esami offerti dai Corsi di Laurea triennali e magistrali di tutti i Dipartimenti dell'Ateneo di Modena e Reggio Emilia previo parere favorevole del docente e della segreteria didattica del Dipartimento interessato.
E' possibile sostenere un esame da 9 crediti (o crediti superiori che diventano per l'eccedenza soprannumerari). Qualora venisse scelto un esame di crediti inferiori a 9, questo deve essere almeno di 6 crediti.
Gli ulteriori cfu a scelta possono essere completati da:
- un ulteriore esame da 3 cfu o un esame eccedente i 3 cfu (l'eccedenza diventerà sovrannumeraria);
- attività strutturata derivante dall'estensione del tirocinio (massimo 3 cfu - 75 ore);
- attività strutturata derivante dalla partecipazione a ciclo di seminari organizzati dal Dipartimento / Ateneo (massimo 3 crediti);
- ulteriore competenza linguistica C2 (3 cfu) nella seconda lingua di studio
Year of study: 2
2 anno lingua 1
Maggiori informazioni
Una prima lingua di studio a scelta tra quelle indicate
2 anno lingua 2
Maggiori informazioni
Una seconda lingua di studio a scelta tra quelle indicate
2 anno opzione Economia
Maggiori informazioni
Un insegnamento da scegliere in opzione tra i due indicati
Other activities (placement, further language competences, etc) (between 8 and 10 CFU)
Maggiori informazioni
Si consiglia lo svolgimento del tirocinio curriculare pari a 200 ore (8 cfu) oppure un tirocinio pari a 125 ore (5 cfu) e gli ulteriori 3 cfu non coperti possono essere completati da:
- seminari presenti nell’offerta formativa del CdS (cfr. “Seminario di Scrittura amministrativa in lingua italiana”; “Seminar on (Digital) environment and human rights”)
- attività strutturata derivante dalla partecipazione a ciclo di seminari organizzati dal Dipartimento / Ateneo (massimo 3 cfu);
- ulteriore competenza linguistica C2 nella seconda lingua (3 crediti);
- crediti ottenuti in mobilità Erasmus per la frequenza di corsi e/o crediti in esubero per la frequenza di corsi

Prerequisites for admission.

Access to this programme is reserved to applicants:
holding a Bachelor’s degree belonging to the following classes: (D.M. 270/04) L-11, L-12, L-15, L-16, L-18, L-20, L-36, L-37 (or degree D.M. 509/99 in classes 11, 3, 39, 19, 17,14, 15, 35; or degree before DM 509/99, in the language area), subject to the obtainment of at least 20 credits in the SDS of foreign languages (L-LIN/04, L-LIN/07, L-LIN/12, L-LIN/14) and 34 credits in the following SDS: L-LIN/01, L-LIN/03, L-LIN/05, L-LIN/06, L-LIN/10, L-LIN/11, L-LIN/13, L-FIL-LET/12, M-FIL/01, M-FIL/05, M-GGR/02, M-STO/04, SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02, SECS-P/07, SECS-P/08, IUS/02, IUS/13.

Applicants holding a degree awarded abroad must have a degree officially recognised as equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree, as well as foreign language exams in French, English, Spanish, or German.

As the study programme is taught almost entirely in English, regardless of the languages chosen for the two-year programme, applicants are required to have at least a B2 level of English when submitting their application for admission, proven by an international language certificate or a certificate issued by the applicant’s home University (Language Centre), unless stated in their university career.

Applicants will be mandatorily assessed on the knowledge required for admission in the methods laid down in the A3.b framework, in accordance with the Teaching Regulations of the Degree Programme.

Admission procedures

Access to the course is limited to a set number of students (150 places reserved for Italian and foreign candidates with an Italian degree, European and non-European candidates with a foreign degree legally residing in Italy (not requiring a visa), and 20 places reserved for non-EU candidates residing abroad). Applicants have to take an entrance test for an assessment of their level of knowledge required for admission. The test will be held, in accordance with the Course's Educational Regulations, as follows:

a) Italian and foreign candidates with an Italian degree and European and non-European candidates with a foreign degree legally residing in Italy (not requiring a visa), must take an in-person written test for each of the two chosen foreign languages (from English, French, Spanish, German). To be deemed eligible, candidates must correctly answer a minimum number of questions and obtain a minimum score of 24/60. A description of the structure of the admission test is provided in the call for applications, which also includes a link to a simulated test. The description is also available on the course page of the Department's website.

b) European and non-European candidates not residing in Italy, with a foreign degree, must demonstrate their language skills in their first and second foreign languages (chosen from English, French, Spanish, German) through documentation or an interview (in person or via Skype, Meet, Teams, Zoom) with a foreign language teacher from the Department of Studies on Language and Culture.

An appointed Commission verifies that the applicants meet the curricular requirements. The results of the evaluation process are communicated to the candidates by a specified date (for the 20 places in the first week of May 2024; for the 150 places in the first week of September 2024) through a notice published on the website at

Candidates who have been deemed eligible (for the 150 places) must then take the entrance test in the two foreign languages indicated in the application (chosen from English, French, Spanish, German). By a specified date (usually the first or second week of September), an announcement on the website will communicate the exact date, place and time of the test.

The admission procedures are described in detail and publicized well in advance in the relevant announcements published on the University's website.

Skills associated with the function

Experts in public relationship management
Master graduates have excellent skills in at least two foreign languages and good basic economic and legal knowledge.
They are able to communicate with speakers from other countries and cultures both orally and in writing. They are aware of the different cultural classifications created by industry experts.

Editors and translators of tools for internal and external business communication
Master graduates have excellent skills in at least two foreign languages and know the cultural, economic and legal topics relating to the various areas of interest for their professional activities.
Therefore, they are able to translate a broad range of specific texts and act as mediators in oral interactions with speakers coming from other countries, showing their critical awareness of the cultural differences.

Function in a work context

Experts in public relations management:

- Companies and organisations aiming to develop activities and programmes with an international dimension.

Editors and translators for internal and external corporate communications texts:

- International companies and organisations;
- publishing houses;
- advertising and travel agencies;
- translation agencies;
- public administrations.

Employment and professional opportunities for graduates.

Experts in public relations management:knowledge

- Companies and organisations aiming to develop activities and programmes with an international dimension.

Editors and translators for internal and external corporate communications texts:

- International companies and organisations;
- publishing houses;
- advertising and travel agencies;
- translation agencies;
- public administrations.

Educational goals

The degree programme provides its graduates with:
- excellent language skills (C1 and C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference) in at least two foreign languages;
- a thorough grounding in the field of linguistic and metalinguistic analysis applied to oral and written communication in companies, public administrations, and international organisations interacting with culturally and linguistically diverse markets;
- good basic knowledge in economics and law;
- an adequate grounding in the cultural, economic and legal issues involved in the key areas of international trade;
- good basic knowledge in computer science applied to the management of digital communication;
- the ability to use their known languages effectively in international communication, drawing on the various cultural classifications that have been made by experts in the field;
- the ability to carefully use the tools of economic and legal analysis applicable to national and international contexts;
- the ability to make an effective use of internal and external corporate communications tools (websites, newsletters, e-mail, etc.).

The course includes the two-year study of two languages (chosen from English, French, Spanish and German), and the possibility of studying a third language for one year, to be chosen between Russian and Chinese. Attention is also paid to the legal-economic area, which includes not only the traditional areas of Comparative Private Law and Political Economy in the first year, but also Economics and Business Management, Business and Economic Policy in the second year. Elective credits provide in-depth study of linguistic, legal or economic topics. A course on Italian for business and institutional communication completes the framework of theoretical and technical language skills.

Communication skills.

The MA in ‘Languages for communication in international enterprises and organizations’ awards the degree to students who are able to:
a) use communication skills effectively and efficiently;
b) use specific language codes (L1 and/or L2), supported by operational knowledge in business and law;
c) achieve and maintain mutual understanding with other interlocutors, both national and international, in the context of any interactions they will be involved in.

Interaction between groups in the classroom and laboratory, as well as teaching emphasising dialogic interaction with students, together with individual study, contribute to the successful completion of the degree course.

To verify the learning outcomes, listening, reading and oral and written production activities are organised in small groups or individually, to demonstrate the acquired awareness that communication is effective when the communication intentions of the speaker coincide with the effects on the recipient.

Making judgements.

The MA in ‘Languages for communication in international enterprises and organizations’ awards the degree to students who are able to:
a) autonomously select and interpret linguistic data in an appropriate manner;
b) organise their thoughts in an autonomous way, formulating individual and original reflections on the various types of texts examined;
c) autonomously and appropriately select and interpret economic and legal data;
d) select the appropriate tools (both practical and theoretical) to provide a suitable interpretation of the communicative intent of the utterances they produce or decode.

Presentations and project activities carried out in the classroom and laboratory will contribute, together with self-study, to the academic achievement.

The assessment involves project research activities, individually or in small groups, and/or the preparation of reports in oral and written forms.

Learning skills.

The MA in ‘Languages for communication in international enterprises and organizations’ awards the degree to students who have developed the necessary learning skills to:

a) use the appropriate linguistic tools to interface with different interlocutors, both nationally and internationally;
b) critically analyse different situations, going beyond a mere superficial examination of the data in their possession;
c) consult IT and documentary resources to support their work.

In addition to individual study, group project activities carried out in the classroom and laboratory contribute to the achievement of the learning outcomes.

The assessment of learning outcomes requires a comparative analysis in a written form (in both L1 and L2) of the strategies used by agents and organisations in external contexts.

Knowledge and understanding.

- have knowledge and understanding of the theoretical notions and writing techniques of the Italian language in dealings with the public administration and European institutions;
- have knowledge and understanding of the basic notions in the IT field in order to develop useful skills in digital communication.

- have knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of oral and written interactions at advanced level (C1 and C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference) in at least two foreign languages (to be chosen from English, French, Spanish and German), with particular reference to economic-business and legal communication;
- have knowledge and understanding of the methods and techniques of linguistic and metalinguistic analysis;
- have knowledge and understanding of the textual and pragmatic aspects that characterise the foreign languages studied, with particular reference to the different communicative contexts, various geographical areas and different means of transmission used (diaphasic, diatopic and diamesic varieties);
- have knowledge and understanding of the structure and vocabulary of specialised texts;
- have knowledge and understanding of the problems of interlingual and intercultural communication and mediation in different contexts;
- have knowledge and understanding of the use of computer and documentary resources to support translation activities;
- have knowledge and understanding of the difficulties related to cultural differences that may inevitably arise in multicultural contexts.

- have knowledge and understanding of globalisation processes, with particular reference to the effects of international trade and capital flows on production and employment;
- have knowledge and understanding of the complex structure of international trade and the internationalisation of companies;
- have knowledge and understanding of the tools for product portfolio evaluation;
- have knowledge and understanding of how to create and maintain a brand image;
- have knowledge and understanding of the choice and combination of distribution channels and of corporate communication management;
- have knowledge and understanding of the key legal institutions for professional or academic activities;
- have knowledge and understanding of how to approach, mediate or analyse a commercial transaction between contractual parties from different jurisdictions.

Applying knowledge and understanding.

- be able to critically analyse various types of Italian-language texts written in the context of the public administration and European institutions from a linguistic and metalinguistic point of view;
- be able to use an appropriate vocabulary and syntactic forms for writing the aforementioned specialised texts in Italian;
- be able to use basic computer skills to draft various types of digital texts.

- be able to apply their linguistic knowledge to various contexts, with particular reference to the field of economic, business and legal communication;
- be able to interact in a foreign language with native and non-native speakers of other languages and nationalities in different oral and written contexts;
- be able to facilitate/mediate communication between speakers of different languages.

- be able to appropriately interpret the development of macroeconomic variables in an open economy;
- be able to interpret the transformations taking place in different countries and geographical areas, in the context of a continuously changing market;
- be able to apply methodologies for measuring perceived quality and user satisfaction of a service;
- be able to appropriately use the different tools necessary for the drafting of an international contract (conventions, regulations, contract templates);
- be able to use different contractual language styles.