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PhD Programme

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3 years






Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics
PhD Coordinator

PhD Course website

More information

Prerequisites for admission.

Italian second cycle master's degree (“Laurea Magistrale”, under D.M. 270/04 or “Laurea Specialistica”, under D.M. 509/99) or Italian degree obtained prior to D.M. 509/99 (the previous Italian regulations) or Second cycle Master's degree obtained abroad, equivalent to the above-mentioned Italian degrees and recognized as suitable for the admission to doctoral program, in accordance with the provisions in art. 2 of the application procedure.

Educational goals

The objectives of the course in Computer and Data Science are to train highly specialized professionals in the fields of data science, applied to various contexts. This will allow for a strong diversification in the individual specializations of the candidates, ranging from those focused on the foundational aspects and enabling technologies of computer and data science (e.g., optimization of complex algorithms, scalability of software solutions, analysis of solutions and their applicability) to those who will know how to apply and create synergies with real-world applications (e.g., analysis of large data sources in economic, medical, or scientific fields, use of advanced techniques and technologies in contexts such as the Internet of Things or cybersecurity).

Candidates are guided by Professors and Researchers who are experts in the foundational areas of the PhD in Computer and Data Science. Through a pathway that includes an introduction to research, collaborations with companies and international research centers, and the development of a personal research project, the future PhD graduates will learn the scientific method applied to innovative research. The research results will be published in international conferences and journals, which will also allow the candidates to present their research to the scientific community, fostering a dialogue that will lead to personal and professional growth.